Interested in learning how to play the pipes or drums, it is strongly advised that you arrange for instruction. Learning on your own may actually set you back in the longer run. The band offers instruction in the great highland bagpipe, snare, tenor and bass drumming. Instruction is offered by an instructor assigned by the Pipe Major.
Beginner lessons are provided free of charge for individuals who share their desire to join the band.
Students will be expected to purchase a practice chanter and tutor book at a cost of about $100.
The College of Piping Bagpipe Tutor Book - Volume 1 (Green Book) is available for purchase from Highland Suppliers and a Pipe Tune Book will be provided to you by the Band.
The Tutor Book will be referenced during instruction and the Pipe Tune Book as you progress and participate in weekly band practices.
Students will be expected to purchase a practice pad and drum sticks at a cost of about $100.
Instructional material will be will be provided to you by the Band.